

If the Milky Way Galaxy was the size of the U.S.A., Earth
would be far smaller than the smallest particle of dust, barely visible
through the most powerful microscopes.

An area of the Sun's surface the size of a postage stamp shines
with the power of 1,500,000 candles.

A dog was killed by a meteor at Nakhla, Egypt, in 1911.
The unlucky canine is the only creature known to have been killed by a meteor

Statistically, UFO sightings are at their greatest number
during those times when Mars is closest to Earth

The Sun isn't round. It is flattened on the top and the bottom

The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth.

Space dust is extremely small –– smaller than a particle
of smoke –– and widely separated, with more than 320 feet between particles

All the planets in our solar system could be placed inside the planet Jupiter

According to scientists, gold exists on Mars, Mercury, and Venus

Halley's comet, one of the most famous ever known, returns
to Earth every 76 years, and has been observed and recorded for more than 3,000 years

All the coal, oil, gas, and wood on Earth would only keep
the Sun burning for a few days.

A new star is born in our galaxy is born every 18 days. About
20 new stars are born each year. For comparison, there
are 100,000 million stars in our galaxy.

The Sun produces more energy every minute than all the
energy used on Earth in a whole year.
